豪绅纤维科技是亚洲无尘与导电产品领域之先驱领导者,针对工业环境创新研发AFC Clean & Safety系列,开创性布料整合了微尘污染控制及ESD控制,独特优异的抗静电功能,并藉由织入的高品质导电纱,去除摩擦带电并降低微尘吸附,避免危害粒子破坏环境安全及企业竞争力。为世界知名电子大厂的指定合作伙伴。
What Our Customers Say About Us
“We cooperate since more than 20 years with AFC as it is a trustworthy, technical know how, stability in quality and market suitable prices company”
German Customer
“AFC is one of leading company for Surgical and Cleanroom fabrics with excellent quality and service”
Italian Customers