Cutting-edge functional intelligence Value creations for textiles
Cutting-edge functional intelligenceValue creations for textiles
Asiatic Fiber Corporation’s business is based on the research and development of special fiber and high-performance fiber products, with the main products being technical textiles for industrial use. These have dust-free, sterile, static prevention properties, and have applications in industrial protection and healthcare.The corporate strategy is based on the three pillars of value creation, balance of interests and sustainable operations.
Industry Pioneer of Cleanroom and Anti-static Products in Asia
Industry Pioneer of Cleanroom and Anti-static Products in Asia
Being the leading manufacturer of functional and smart textiles in Taiwan, Asiatic Fiber Corporation has obtained 32 domestic and international patents, and its products are sold in 62 countries worldwide.With a solid foundation of producing cleanroom and conductive fabrics, the company started investing in developing smart clothing in 2015, launching a new in-house brand, iQmax® that broke out of the typical apparel mold. The brand uses various innovative fibers combined with wearable devices to turn fibers and fabrics into smart textiles, which has applications in industry, protective gear, medical use, and healthcare.